Thursday, 23 October 2008


I'm thinking of starting a year of selfportraits with a few friends, but I want to finish my weekly selfportraits first. Just posting a random one today


I'll be off for 2 weeks visiting my sister in Korea. I'm not sure I'll be able to blog.

Sunday, 12 October 2008


Just a few weekends ago and I'm still so happy to have been to Boston to attend a workshop by Cheryl Muhr. I've learned so much and although I was pretty confident I made the right decision by starting this photography business, I got a major boost and are now ready to take the world. Well as a matter of speech. I'll want to keep it in the Surrey area, even if it was just not wanting to leave my little kidlings for even short periods of time.
It's such a joy to be able to work with and photograph young children. They are always so full of joy


So thank you Cheryl for teaching me so much about the secrets of photographing young children!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

New beginnings

It feels like a new beginning to begin this blog with the launch of my new website. It's a spin off of my design website, and I'm very happy that the photography part is going so well I'm taking it under a seperate header. 

What better way than to start this first post with my favorite photo of my three kidlings 
zuma beach

I'm working hard on getting my mailing list out for my special holiday offer